V4.2 - Released on Oct 31st, 2023
Aurender currently does not support Tidal's new 'MAX' tier for high-resolution FLAC streaming. Our systems need to be updated to accommodate this change, which may take a few weeks. Until then, Aurender can only play back MQA files under the 'Master' tier. We are working on system and software updates to resolve this as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this adjustment period.
New Features
- Public launch of vTuner Internet Radio Integration
- New Target Folder Button in Smart Copy.
- Enhanced Folder Display
- Enhanced Tablet App Queue by adding rating status when expanded
Improvement & Bug fixes
- Enhanced User Interface for Improved Experience
- Bug Fixes and User Feedback Responses
- Improved stability
V4.1 - Released on Sep 27th, 2023
- Added volume sliders for A15, A20, A200 and A30 models. (compatible with system software version 1.23.377 or later.)
- Added an index for folder view. (It will appear when there are over 50 items)
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Improved usability and stability
- Minor bug fixes